Wiki Decision for Surgery-3days out

knoxville, TN
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Would you consider this decision for surgery even though surgery did not take place for three days? A coworker and I are having a difference of opinion. Please tell me what you think and if you have any documentation supporting your thoughts if you could please share I would really appreciate it :)

IMPRESSION: History of pituitary tumor. She was told that it was not cancer. At this time we will begin a CABG workup. Tenatively she is scheduled to undergo surgery later this week. Once we have all our information obtained we will further discuss with the pt. They are but are not limited to ,bleeding,infection,myocardial infaction,cerebrovascular accident,prolonged ventilatory support, other end-organ failure, and death. She understands these risks and is willing to proceed.

Sounds like decision for surgery to me however my co-worker feels that since it is tenative and may not happen that we should code for this consult and subs days until the day before and then add the 57 mod. The next day progress notes states-pre CABG workup in progress-vein mapping results reviewed-vein ok for harvest. Carotid us report reviewed. Then the day before surgery states: CABG soon per Dr and then they go over the risks benefits again and pt understands and wishes to proceed.