Wiki Debridement Within Global

Tampa, FL
Best answers
In August, a patient had a skin graft on the tip of his nose. This has a 90 day global period.

In September, patient came in for debridement on the tip of his nose.

Today, the patient is in again for debridement on the tip of his nose and the doctor wants me to bill all of this.

Isn't this directly related to the global period and therefore not reportable? Thank you.
debridement with global

Yes, this is bundled to the primary service. This could possibly be billed is if patient was taken back to OR- otherwise it should be included.

Shelley Williams CPC, CPCD
I figured as much, but I'm a little confused about the OR comment.

We are a physicians office and do the procedure here in the office. The patient simply came in for a follow-up visit and the doctor ended up debriding his nose.
The fact that the procedure is in global period and related to original surgery does not mean it should not be paid. Look at 58 modifier
Armen - 58 is for a planned, staged procedure. This wasn't planned or worded in a way that would lead me to believe it was staged like this.