Wiki Debridement resources


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Hi Iam about to present a topic in a local chapter here on the topic DEBRIDEMENT CODING :).
Can anyone help on coding guidelines and current trend and updates on DEBRIDEMENT guidelines / related articles on this one..

I' ll be happy to receive your articles or guideline to resources to my mail iD
Debridement Resources

If you haven't already looked. I have found that my best resource for debridement coding guidelines is Medicare's. If you go to the CMS website and choose your local Medicare contractor and search the local coverage determinations for debridement of ulcers and wounds, you can print the LCD. This will have their definition of debridement along with all of the documentation requirements for medical necessity. This will also include the CPT and ICD-9CM codes covered.

Heh !!!!

Thanks ... I also would like to know if there is anything informative in Debridement coding as a seminar talk ....everybody knows the basic guidelines, but is there anything new to discuss ? Iam confused what to talk about debridement. PLs give me a roadmap ....:)