Wiki Debridement in sq cm and verbage


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I have an op note where the doc did a debridement down to bone. I am using the 11044 with the 11047. Can I use another 11047 since its says "each additional 20 sq cm, or part thereof"? The wound was 8x7. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Josie J
I would need more documentation to say specifically. The question I have is that the physician states down to bone, but did he/she actually debride the bone? If no you would need to query the physician to determine the deepest level of debridement. If bone was debrided I would code 11044, +11047, +11047. The code descriptor for 11044 states the first 20 cm or less. 11047 states each additional 20 sq cm or part thereof.

11047=20cm2 or part thereof in your case the there of is 16cm2

The previous reply stated to use a modifier 59 this is not necessary and may actually reject/deny your claim because 11044 is the primary procedure and 11047 is an add on code which does not require a modifier 59.

Hope this helps, Matt.
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