Wiki Debridement help!!


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There is some argument in my office whether or not this is allowable. Please help with this.

If a patient is in the post-op period and comes in for a follow up and during that visit the doctor debbrides the wound is that considered part of the post op period or can that be billed with a modifier on it?
Its not noted that it was done due to infection.
So if its done because of an infection then it could be billed and if not then it would be considered part of the global package and at that point not billable? Do I have that correct.
There is some argument in my office whether or not this is allowable. Please help with this.

If a patient is in the post-op period and comes in for a follow up and during that visit the doctor debrides the wound is that considered part of the post op period or can that be billed with a modifier on it?

You can only use a 78 for return trip to OR, medicare does not pay for post-op complications unless it requires return trip to or.

Both medicare and cpt say global period includes "typical" post op care, which to me would include taking care of the wound.

It depends on your payor, if it is commercial payor you should check their post-op policies, they may pay with a "58" modifier (related) with infection dx.

Sorry I thought you said it WAS for infection - if there is no complication/no infection it is included in global.
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