Wiki Deaf interpreter services


Mico, TX
Best answers
We have a couple of patients that are deaf and they request deaf interpreters at their office visits. I understand the patient cannot be billed for these services unless they fail to show up for the appt and have previously been notified (in writing) they would be charged for the deaf interpreter if they don't give a 24 hour notice. My question is is this always a "loss" visit or is there someway to recover what the charge is for the interpreter? By the time we are reimbursed a normal office visit level depending on what the pt was seen for we loose about $100 every visit by the time we pay the interpreters. What are other offices doing in this case? We would at least like to break even for our services rendered.
In Wisconsin, where I am, it is the physicians responsibility to provide (pay) for the interpreter. You can't charge the insurance company or the patient for this service. We usually lose money on these visits ;(
Especially when the interpreter is giving the patients history as the patient and not as a secondary source.

And it doesn't only apply to Deaf people. It includes human translators of all types.
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