Wiki Date ABN signed


True Blue
Baton Rouge
Best answers
I need help clarifying a possibly issue. We have patients that have pre-op chest X-rays (71010) performed in our clinic. For Medicare patients, we get an ABN signed, since Medicare doesn't cover this service. The question is, does the date that the ABN is signed have to match the date that the service is performed? Most of the time, patients come to clinic to see our surgeons, and the decision for surgery is made; the patient signs all the necessary surgery consent forms that same day. They usually sign the ABN for the xray also (even though at this point they aren't even sure if they will have the xray with us or go elsewhere). Then several weeks later, closer to the date of surgery, they come back for the xray. Is the ABN they signed previously still valid? I've read through numerous CMS and Novitas publications, and don't see anything specific about this. Probably just something else that I'm overthinking... :)

Appreciate any help!!