Wiki Data Question


True Blue
Waukee, IA
Best answers
So I was taught that lab review/order is 1 point no matter how many labs there are. Recently I was told that each lab CPT code can be counted as 1 point each. Does anyone do it this way?
Almost all of the audit tools I have seen that use the points system for MDM specify that it is one point per category, not per test ordered. The exception was a while back when Trailblazer Health was one of the MACs, they allowed up to two points when multiple labs were involved, but that was the only case that I'm aware of where more than one point could be given for labs. It does not make any sense to me to allow one point for every lab code because that would grossly inflate the MDM for many E&M services - I would ask to see what source of information was used by whomever told you this could be done.
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