Wiki Data elements in MDM


Bedford, MA
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Question :

For data reviewed; how many points should be given if the provider documents ‎"Labs today demonstrate sodium 136, potassium 4.1, BUN 17, creatinine 1.1, glucose 87, calcium 9.5, albumin 4.4, magnesium 2, SGPT 29, SGOT 25, alkaline phosphatase 40, total bilirubin 0.9.

‎White count 5.8 with 75 percent polys on differential, hemoglobin 14.3, hematocrit 42.8, platelet count 178,000.

‎PSA checked today was 1.46.

‎Chest, abdomen, and pelvis CT scan was performed today and reviewed with the radiologist. The scan was compared to the prior study one year ago on January 18, 2013. In the chest, there are scattered subcentimeter pulmonary nodules without change. There is an unchanged hepatic hypodensity that likely is benign. here are no suspicious bony lesions. There is no evidence of disease recurrence."

I would like to know also! My first thought is 2, but it might be 3.

1 for the labs

and I wonder if it would be 1 for discussion of test results with performing physician AND 1 for review for the radiology....or if you would only count the radiology thing once since the 'review' and 'discussion' seemed to have happened at the same time.

Looking forward to any insight as well.
Amanda, I'm having the same thoughts. I would say 1 for the lab. But for the Radiology portion would it be 1 for ordering/review with radiologist? Or would the ordering and review be counted seperately, which would bring the total to 3? Still researching.....

I would say 4
1 for labs
1 for radiology
2 for review and summarization of old records and/or discussion of test results with another health care provider
similar question

Hey Guys,

I have a question of a similar nature. I have just started coding and seem to have quite a few questions. But anyway......I am wondering if i can give points to the doctor - a hospitalists - for arranging a consult for a patient with another doctor under the category of discussion of test results with a performing position or any area under "amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed"....

Thank you,