Wiki D05 vs. C50 for breast cancer


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I am looking for clarification between the codes in category D05 and C50.
I see a lot of invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ.
Would we use the D05 codes for the ductal carcinmoa in situ and the C50 for any invasive ductal carcinomas or breast cancers not specified as ductal carcinoma in situ?

Thank you!!!
The D05 range would only be used for any type breast cancer (lobular, ductal, ect) that is specifically reported on the path report as "in situ".

If the path report does not specifically say "in situ" you should select from the C50 range.

The term invasive simply means it is not contained. Once the cancer breaks through the capsule where it originated, depending on how early it was detected, may have only invaded the connective tissue or could have invaded the lymphatic system, in which case it would be breast cancer primary with secondary malignancy of the lymph nodes. Invasive simply means "not" in situ. Invasive is not synonamus with metastatic.

Hope this helps.