Wiki D0145 with a well-child check


Buda, TX
Best answers
Hi, looking for some direction in coding for a dental exam within a child's well check. My physician would like to bill code D0145 during a well check for a child under 3.

Notes in the chart indicate: "The child's mouth was inspected. Teeth were dried and a thin layer of 5% sodium fluoride varnish was applied by quadrants to each tooth surface. Care instructions were provided to the parents."

Is there a more appropriate code for an oral health screen done with a 99391 visit? It was my understanding that an oral health check of the teeth was included in the well-child check guidelines. I do not think this is an appropriate code for the PCP to bill with a well check but am looking for an alternative.

Our office is going to start billing for Topical Fluoride Varnish 99188 this Feb during the well child exams. I would also be interested to know the answer to your question because we are trying to provide more services to generate additional revenue.
Our office is going to start billing for Topical Fluoride Varnish 99188 this Feb during the well child exams. I would also be interested to know the answer to your question because we are trying to provide more services to generate additional revenue.
Yes, we have successfully been billing this code and receiving payment from commercial payers with no issues.