Wiki CYBERKNIFE billing for brain mets

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Wondering if it is correct coding to bill and new plan for each brain met, also to bill an initial treatment G0339 for each new brain lesion treated. For example a physician is treating a left front lobe met, left temporal lobe met, and right cerebellar met all on consecutive days. A 77295, 77300x10 and 77334 were billed for each lesion. A G0339 was also billed for each on consecutive days with imaging. In addition they are billing a 77432 for complete course with each lesion?

Would this be correct coding?

Thanks for your help
CYBERKNIFE billing for brain mets

Generally the plan for all these brain lesions would be approved on the same day, you are therefore only able to bill 1 time for the 3D treatment plan (77295), you can however bill for all dosimetry and devices. The treatment delivery charge is billable only 1 time per date. You indicated all lesions were being treated on consecutive days this would be one treatment course - assuming one treatment per lesion the treatment delivery should be billed as G0339 (initial day), G0340 x 2 (for each consecutive treatment day up to 5 days). Hope this helps