Wiki critical care times


New Braunfels, TX
Best answers
If a heart cath was done and the doctor included in the note "total critical care time 2 hours" should I be able to bill for the cath time that is included? or deduct the time since I am billing for the cath?

any help is appreciated :confused:
Fran Muldoon


Per both CCI edits and Global Days Pkge; the critical care E/M code(s) ...99291, 99292 are always included in any procedure being performed during this time/session. Therefore, you can not bill for both the heart (card) cath procedure and cridical care code.
Fran, can you please post where you are getting this information from? I don't know if I'm just not following what you are saying, so clarification would be great. Did you actually mean to say that sometimes a cath procedure is included in the critical care codes, and therefore if it was one of the caths that bundles into critical care, you wouldn't be able to bill the cath separately? And critical care IS billable during global days, so I don't know where that came into play. Thank you.
Louise, if the heart cath is a bundled critical care code (included procedures are listed in your CPT book), then you would count that time as critical care time. If it is NOT a bundled critical care code, you would deduct the time for the procedure from critical care and bill the code separately.
Thank you for the response, that is what I figured, but wanted a 2nd and in this case 3rd opinion. I read the cpt book, and the codes are not inclunded in the "bundled procedures" to the critical care codes.
Thanks so much for your help!!!!

Louise :)