Wiki Critical Care Time


Peoria, AZ
Best answers
I do coding for hospitalists and we are having a debate on how to code CC time. The hospitalists are all in one specialty therefore they see each others patients on any given day. If Dr. A sees the pt at 6am and spends 60 minutes with the pt and Dr. B sees the pt in the evening and spends 40 minutes, their times are combined to determine how much critical care time will be billed. The debate is does Dr. A have all of the critical care time billed under him or does Dr. A bill 99291 and Dr. B bill 99292. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
All providers in a group under the same specialty is considered one provider. You would combine the total time and bill accordingly as if one provider saw the patient that calendar day.
CC Time

I agree with Kisalyn, can only bill under one provider. I would give credit to the provider who spends more time performing the CC time.
One provider bills

I agree, that you would bill all the time under one provider name (as long as the two providers are of the same specialty & same practice).

In our practice, we give the full credit to whichever physician was there first.
Other practices give the full credit the the physician who spent the most time.

Whatever YOUR practice decides, just be consistent .... in the course of the year, it averages out (i.e. Dr A benefits this time, Dr B benefits another time).

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC