Wiki Critical Care help

Greer, SC
Best answers
Need help with these scenarios please
same day
dr sees pt in a.m. 99232 time noted
same dr called for cc that night times noted 45 mins for cc 99291
echo read that day by same dr 9330626

would we add m 25 to the e/m and cc code bc of the echo?

any documentation would be appreciated thanks
per CPT "critical care and other E/M services may be provided to the same patient on the same date by the same individual." as long as documentation supports both services then you shouldn't have any issue getting paid.
Critical Care

I sent it out
99232 25
the critical care was rejected I have read when there is a procedure on the same day also the 25 needs to go on the cc too.
I am just trying to find out the correct way all help is appreciated. Thanks