Wiki critical care again


Stockton, CA
Best answers
Please someone help me on this, my pulmonolgy dr has a note that he says he spent 4 hours and 35 minutes critical care in intervals of 35 minutes he does have a note but it doesn't give any times other than the above and to me the note only looks like it couldn't cover 4 hours and 35 minutes. if they are in 35 min interval don't you think that it should have more than just half a page? he also says he did a egd by bedside ultrasound and that's all he says on than..thank you for the help..alice
Critical Care time

The time spent providing direct critical care to the patient CAN NOT include any time spent in performing procedures which are separately billable.

So #1 he has to separate out any time he spent on the EGD or other billable procedures.

Without seeing the actual full documentation I could not tell you whether this would meet the standards for billing critical care, but it IS possible.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC