Wiki Criteria for billing 28470. . .


Kansas City, MO
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I don't have a lot of experience coding closed Fx treatment. I have a physician who wants to bill a 99213-57 with 28470 & 97116. He Dx the Fx of left 5th metatarsal from plain film xray, instructed the pt on use of crutches & referred him out for a boot. Can he still bill for the 28470? I'm a little confused because I've found conflicting info. The general gist I've gotten is that he should only bill for the 28470 if he put the pt in the boot, but he referred the pt to an acceptable DME per pt's insurance co. So does referring the pt to his DME carrier for the boot count? Or does it only count if he supplied & put the pt in the boot at the appointment? Thanks!