Wiki Critcal newborn


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We have a pediatric doctor who saw a new born in the hospital. She had to transfer the baby to another facility. She is wanting to code a 99466 for her services. However, I thought that she would bill for the initial admit and the attend delivery. Please help.
Critically ill newborn

Did your physician actually attend the baby during transport? If not you cannot use 99466.

Please read the guidelines in CPT carefully. 2010 CPT Professional edition, page 36, 1st column, second from bottom paragraph, last sentence: If inpatient critical care services are reported in the referring facility prior to transfer to the receiving hospital, use the critical care codes 99291, 99292.

She could still bill for attendance at birth, and resuscitation (if performed).

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
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