Wiki CRC Course and Exam


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Hello. This is my first post. I have ten years experience doing risk adjustment coding. The company I worked for those ten years restructured, and eliminated my position in July. I'm being pressured by job recruiters to get my CRC. I've been an LPN for 23 years and I decided to start classes for my RHIT and associate's degree. But I need my CRC to go forward, or I can work as an LPN.

With my experience, and cash I don't have $1,000 laying around. But, I can afford the study guide, then later the practice exam.

Is this adivsable to order the study guide with my experience? Thankyou.
Just a thought...since you have so much experience...

Assuming you feel comfortable with all the categories on the test and you get two tries on the test, why don't you just take the exam and see how you do...then decide if you need the study guides and practice exams? Maybe take a one day review seminar?
Great idea!

I do know the 79 HCCs and how to do it. In fact, I last coded on July 7th. I hadn't thought of taking the test to see how I do, great idea!
***UPDATE*** (9/4/2017)
AAPC recently released a CRC study guide, and it's been a great tool. I highly recommend it.

Unfortunately, there isn't a study guide. Call AAPC & see if they'll do a payment plan. I know they work with many students.

I'm taking the CRC course now. A study guide would be really a helpful tool.
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Unfortunately, there isn't a study guide. Call AAPC & see if they'll do a payment plan. I know they work with many students.

I'm taking the CRC course now. A study guide would be really a helpful tool.

I just ordered study guide. It's 100.00 about, with the AAPC membership. I've not called them. Another great idea. I might...I have to double up, I'm taking classes for an associates degree in RHIT.

The study guide bundle is 400 or something. I don't remember. It might be more. I'm going to go through the study guide, purchase the practice exams, see how I do.