Wiki cpt wart removals


Wichita, KS
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I have a physican assistant that says she removed a wart from a finger with cryo which i would use 17110 but then she states that she removed three other areas on fingers with excision and cautery what cpt would you use for these? :confused:
You can't code both methods, so pick the primary one. Often the "pare" down the lesion before freezing it...So I'd use the 17110 in those cases.
the 17119 is a destruction code and can be by any method, cry is only one form of destruction, excsion is a destruction as is cautery.
Mitchellde, that is absolutely right logic. But that number code 17119 is not there @ 2009; it stops short after 17111 till 17250 appears on CPT2009.
By the way how many codes are there in between please?