Wiki CPT question


Deer Park, WA
Best answers
Have an orthopedic physical medicine & rehab physician that ordered an MRI under conscious sedation and went to the patients appointment at the hospital NOT his office and remained at the appointment for 90 mins. Wants to bill for his time, is there a CPT code that will work?
Orth MD consult code


Is the patient a inpatient ? Was your Ortho doc referred to do consult by another physician ? Sounds like a inpatient consult to me. But if the patient has Medicare cannot bill consult code so use a subu. inpatient visit if the patient is in inpatient status
I hope this is helpful and coordinates with his med record notations.

Lady T
There is no code just for time. What did the physician document doing for these 90-minutes? There's no way to know if this can be billed, or what CPT to use, without knowing what the service he or she performed for the patient. Physicians cannot just bill for time unless the documentation supports that is was for a medically necessary and covered service.