Wiki Cpt modifier

Mesa, AZ
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Hello everyone,
What Cpt code modifier would you use if any for a GI physician called emergently to the CV operating room for GI assistance for a patient having an aortobifemoral bypass graft in progress?
Thank you,
GI Doctor just did a diagnostic EGD because there was concern about a significantly hypertrophied pyloric sphincter and some lymphadenopathy in the abdomen. There was also concern about the possibility of gastric malignancy. Also what diagnosis code would I use?
And so, a regular EGD and no pathology? What was the findings from the procedure ? You mentioned Hypertrpohied pyloric sphincter..., is there a stenosis? On the two surgeons work together performing distinct parts of a procedure , each surgeon should report a distinct operative work by adding a 62 modifier( two surgeons each performing a part of the procedure) .
Only use 62 if both Surgeons are billing the same CPT code. Since one dr is a GI and the other DR is a Cardiovascular Surgeon. there is no modifier needed. they will each bill separately.