Wiki cpt for removal of papillary growth from lateral lobe


Phelps, WI
Best answers
The meatus was dilated to 30 French with Van Buren sounds. A 26 French continuous-flow bipolar resectoscope was then introduced. Previous cystoscopy had shown no papillary masses within the bladder itself. The ureteral orifices were identified and noted to be orthotopic. The scope was then slowly withdrawn into the prostate and again a 5 mm papillary growth was noted on the left lateral lobe. There also appeared to be a similar growth on the right lateral lobe. Using the bipolar loop the papillary masses were resected. This was continued until normal appearing prostate tissue was encountered. Specimen was then removed from the bladder. Hemostasis was then obtained. The scope was removed. An 18 French catheter was placed with 10 cc in the balloon. The catheter was hand irrigated with a Toomey syringe and urine noted to be clear. This concluded the procedure

Not sure on the cpt code?
