Wiki CPT for individual maternity care visits


Sterling, AK
Best answers
I am new to OB/GYN coding. Do you use E/M codes for maternity care (antepartum/postpartum) for insurances that want the visits submitted as individual visits? Or do you still use the global CPT but submit it each time they come in?

Alaska Medicaid wants all visits submitted as individual visits unless the primary insurance requires global billing.
I wouldn't use the global code. If they want a bill for each visit they will want you to bill just like you would for any other condition. So E&M, lab, whatever services were provided.
Yes, bill E/M codes for the visits for Medicaid plans and the delivery is coded as delivery only without antepartum care. Per ACOG, the initial OB visit is generally coded at a higher level than the subsequent visits due to the amount of information, discussion and time is involved in the initial visit.