Wiki CPT description for 78452


Rochester, NY
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I'm having a serious brain flop.
For CPT code 78452, in paranthesis, it states (including attenuation correction, qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection fraction........, when performed). I'm questioning the words 'when performed'. We had a patient that we were unable to calculate an ejection fraction and the wall motion was not able to be visualized.

We can still bill for a complete study, correct?
I'm having a serious brain flop.
For CPT code 78452, in paranthesis, it states (including attenuation correction, qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection fraction........, when performed). I'm questioning the words 'when performed'. We had a patient that we were unable to calculate an ejection fraction and the wall motion was not able to be visualized.

We can still bill for a complete study, correct?

Correct :)

Jessica CPC, CCC