Wiki CPT codes with Place of Service limitation/exceptions


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Does Medicare have a list of CPT/HCPCS codes that are limited to certain places of service?

We had 38221 and G0364 deny for place of service.

Thank you for your response!

Does anyone else know of a Medicare resource as described in my first message?
Thanks, Megan! That appears to be what I need. Curiously, neither of those codes appear on the list. Our pathologist did do the procedure inpatient, though, so I have changed the POS to that. We've just never had it deny for POS in the past.
Does anyone know of a comprehensive list?

We have practitioners who visit patients in Independent Living Facilities, which are considered to be POS "home," and just got a denial for a minor surgical procedure that would be allowed in the office. So we need a list of procedures that are permitted in an office setting, but not in a patient's home.