Wiki CPT codes for Hospital observation billing


True Blue
Bellerose, NY
Best answers
Hi Everyone,

I am so confused. Please help.

In Our hospital we have seperate Obsevation unit next to Emergency department.

Patient was seen by Dr.X. EKG and some medications were ordered and services rendered in Emergency room then transfered to Observation Unit to monitor his/her condition.

Question :

1) Do I code ED E/M level with EKG, injections along with Observation codes for OBS Doctor? (2 Phsycicians involved?) OR

2) Because of Patient care was transfered to Observation Doctor. It should be one Doctor only?

If that is a case how do we bill for ED service (EKG and injections?)

Thank you.
Hi ,

Please find the answers below:

1) Do I code ED E/M level with EKG, injections along with Observation codes for OBS Doctor? (2 Phsycicians involved?) OR

ED level with the EKG, Injections should be billed to ED physician who rendered the service

Observation service should be billed for another doctor who render the service in the observation unit(must have appropriate documentation)

2) Because of Patient care was transfered to Observation Doctor. It should be one Doctor only?
Even in case of transefer the service done in ED can be billed seperately and
observation can be billed if it fully qualified to bill an observation code
must have history, examination and MDM to code observation.

If that is a case how do we bill for ED service (EKG and injections?)

Even in case of transefer the service done in ED can be billed seperately