Wiki CPT Code List In Excel Format

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Can someone please help direct me the best and most affordable way to get Complete CPT Code list in Excel Format? I have to prepare report for a client and need CPT Code list in excel.
Do you have an EMR System, like Epic or eClinicalWorks or whatever else? There may be a way to create a report from that with a list of CPT codes in a spreadsheet format. I don't know of any other way to get that particular format.
Can someone please help direct me the best and most affordable way to get Complete CPT Code list in Excel Format? I have to prepare report for a client and need CPT Code list in excel.

If you want a complete download in Excel format, you can purchase a license for the download on the AMA website. I have attached the link below.

CPT is proprietary and trademarked by the AMA, so they are the only source for a complete list.

You might be able to get a list of CPT codes off a chargemaster or a billing system as someone else suggested above. But that doesn't necessarily guarantee that it would be all the complete CPT codes. (For example, a provider may only load the codes they actually use in a billing system, or they might not keep up with deleting old codes out of the billing system, etc.)