Wiki CPT code help pls- exploration & evacuation of RT groin hematoma


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Can someone offer help for the correct CPT code for this procedure. Thank you

Patient taken to OR placed supine. Medial aspect of the incision was opened with a kelly clamp and army navy retractors used to expose the deep space. A suction device was used to remove old clot from the wound , 2 liters of saline was used to irrigate out the cavity until clear, there was no evidence of active bleeding . The sutures in scarpa's fascia had all ruptured and these were removed. The mesh was intact and there was no evidence of purulence or infection of the soft tissues or mesh noted. The wound was dried and arista was placed in the wound, a 15 french blake drain was placed in the deep aspect of the wound and brought out through a stab incision lateral to the incision and secured to the skin with 2-0 nylon sutures. Dressing applied and closed using interrupted 3-0 vicryl sutures and the skin was re approximated with 4-0 interrupted vicryl sutures. No evidence of bleeding noted. A sterile dressing was placed.