Wiki CPT code change - multiple physcians


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I am a certified coder and enter charges for multiple physcians and nurse practioners. I recently found out that some of the charges that I have entered has been reversed and refilled with a different CPT code. The nurse practioner was not made aware of the change nor allowed to review and choose the appropriate code to change it to. Do not know who to address this to. Has anyone else come across this problem ? Hoping someone has some suggestions for me.

We have a insurance follow up department, someone in that department changed the code, without the doctors or my knowledge .
did this person do this based on the chart note? If they just arbitrarily changed the code then you have a definite problem, if the documentation supports a different code than what you billed then you need to discuss this, either way you need to discuss the changing of codes with this individual and get the reasoning from them as to why they felt this needed to be done. It is serious business for someone else to change the codes without input from the coder.
Thanks for your input on this matter. Hope I can get this issue resolved so it does not happen again.