Wiki CPT code and ICD-10 codes for Looking for blood in stool


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Question: A pt comes in for routine annual pap smear and Dr. does a rectal exam with hemoccult test in the office. How do I bill that and what diagnosis code? I've been told if the Dr. sends the pt home with cards to check more than one stool sample you use 82270 with the screening for malignant neoplasm, rectum code.
Is the 82272 used when the Dr. is looking for blood in the stool? This one sample is not considered a "true" screening for Colorectal Neoplasm. You need more than one specimen for that. If the digital exam is positive for blood, then the Dr. would send the pt home with 3 cards for the true colorectal neoplasm screening.
So my question is ---- what diagnosis code do we use for "screening for blood in stool"? and Confirm that the 82272 is the cpt code used when the Dr. is looking for blood in the stool. Thank you in advance