Wiki Cpt code 93453

Apex, NC
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The book Peripheral and cardiology Coder book says Cornaryand/or Bypass graft Angiography.. Is this correct can we use this code for just Bypass grafts:rolleyes:
93453 is a right and left heart cath with an LV gram when done only. It doesn't include any grafts or any other coronary angios.

Hope this helps!

That was a typo. She really meant CPT Code 93454. But thanks for clarifying! Do you happen to know how to code for SVG & IMA only? :)
That was a typo. She really meant CPT Code 93454. But thanks for clarifying! Do you happen to know how to code for SVG & IMA only? :)

Per MedLearn seminar, use 93455 with modifier -52 if ONLY grafts are looked at.

Jessica CPC, CCC
I know medlearn is saying add the -52 but Zhealth answered the same question (on 3/11)and they do not recomended using the -52. They suggest billing just the 93455 for gaft only. Zhealth stated that the payment would be inappropriately decreased by 50%. So I am still not sure who is correct?
That was a typo. She really meant CPT Code 93454. But thanks for clarifying! Do you happen to know how to code for SVG & IMA only? :)

I have a similar situation where SVG, LIMA to LAD, with LV and aortic root injection were done without selective angiography of the left coronary or right coronary. I'm not sure if 93459 would be appriopriate since angiography of the left coronary and right coronary were not performed. Any thoughts?

Ashley Eberle, CPC