Wiki cpt code 41115 and 41010


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
Patient was dianosis with a tongue tie diagnosis code 750.0
the operative report stated as after satisfactory anesthesia, the chordae was lysed using cautery. The fibrous tissue was followed under the tongue, producing a significant improvement in moblility. Bleeding was minimal. SILVER NITRATE WAS APPLIED TO THE DENUDED AREA.

i coded 41115 but got denied, should I HAVE USED 41010, NOT SURE , THANKS
According to the description of the procedure, CPT 41010 is the correct code. However, ICD-9 code 750.0 is appropriate for CPT 41115, so I'm not sure what your denial reason is. It could be a payer policy. Regardless of the denial reason, CPT 41010 seems to be the correct code based on your documentation.