Wiki CPT code 28086 with 28200


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Has anyone had any luck with getting 28086 paid with 28200?

Op note says Proximally there was tenosynovitis so several centimeters proximal to the fibula 2 cm incision was made to open the peroneal tendon sheath and openly debrided they synovitis

Then an oblique incision was made anterior to the lateral malleolus. Through this approach the peroneal tendons were inspected and there was found to be a tear in the peroneus brevis. This was repaired with 2-0 Monocryl.

I didn't know if since all the work was done in peroneal tendon then the 28086 could not be separately reported and paid with 28200. Any suggestions appreciated
If repair and synovectomy is being performed on the same tendon it will probably be the repair code. Run these codes through NCCI edits and review the AAOS GSD guidelines and I think you'll find the synovectomy bundles to the repair.