Wiki CPT Code 10060 and 10061


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Not finding this any where. I realize these procedures have a 10 day global. What if the patient returns the next day and is seen by a different provider in our facility. The initial provider did an I&D, packed the area. Patient returned the next day and the 2nd provider did an I&D as well & packed the area. (same abcess) Is the second day still considered part of the global from the 1st day even though the 2nd provider had to I&D again?
Depending on documentation, you can probably use the modifier 58 on the second I&D if it's documented that the abscess required more drainage. This would fall under the (b) scenario in the description of modifiers in Appendix A of the CPT manual "(b) more extensive than the original procedure."
You can add a 58 modifier for the second procedure if it is done by the same doctor. If the procedure is done by another doctor different group you can bill without modifiers.