Wiki CPT Assistant - Feedback?


Asheville, NC
Best answers
Does anyone use AMA's CPT Assistant online? It is quite expensive and before I plunk down for it I'd like to hear about who else uses it and what they think about it.

Oddly, I cannot see if anyone has anything to say about this because the forum search function refuses to even try! It tells me that it is just rejecting the word CPT from the search because it is too common, but won't let me even TRY to search for a fixed string "CPT Assistant". I love these forums, but sometimes the technology is frustrating!

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to reply.
Compared to Encoder Pro, I find the AAPC one better. There is more information. I am definitely switching subscriptions. The more I try the AAPC version the more I like it.
CPT Assistant

I also love the AAPC coding tool. It is easy to use, and it recognizes a lot of plain English terms and directs you to the appropriate code(s). I also love the CCI edit checker - it comes in handy when coding multiple procedures!
We have the AMA's CPT Assistant at work, and I love it...but I don't have to pay for it myself. I've never used any other online coding tool, so I can't make any comparisons, but in my opinion, the CPT Assistant is worth the cost.

Hope this helps!
Thanks, everyone. I had someone point out that the CPT books all reference CPT Assistant when additional information is available to expound on reasoning or examples or clarifications for usage, and points to the specific issue.