Wiki CPT 99024 and co-pay


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We were recently told by one of our capitated providers that we could charge a co-pay for each visit from a patient that was still in their global surgical period? They advised us to use CPT 99024 and charge the appropriate co-pay. I did not think that you could charge a co-pay for any patient in the global period. If this is the case ,we have been loosing quite a bit of revenue. I was wondering if other offices are aware of iinsurance plans where this is allowed.


We were recently told by one of our capitated providers that we could charge a co-pay for each visit from a patient that was still in their global surgical period? They advised us to use CPT 99024 and charge the appropriate co-pay. I did not think that you could charge a co-pay for any patient in the global period. If this is the case ,we have been loosing quite a bit of revenue. I was wondering if other offices are aware of iinsurance plans where this is allowed.



Dee ~ A copay of what? 99024 is a zero co-payment of what dollar It is the insurance carrier you are contracted with that determines how much a copay is and that copay only applies to charges billed to that carrier and approved by them. I would be very concerned about making a decision like that without getting it in writing from that patient's carrier that it's ok to charge patient for a copay on a zero charge. You wouldn't want insurances to drop your providers from contract over something like this...Contact your Provider Rep at your major carriers and ask about it to protect yourself.
