Wiki Cpt 66982/67005??

Dubai, UAE
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Dear All,
kindly suggest me,as per op notes i can take 66982 & 67005?? Need your help. Thanks:eek:

Right eye peribulbar anesthesia.
5% povidone iodine 10 min in cul-de-sac.
Prepping and draping.
Side port incision then main incision.
Vision blue injected then washed out.
OVD injected, capsulorhexis, hydrodissection, and hydrodelineation.
Sculpting then quadrant removal. Hard nucleus. Epinuclear removal.
Cortical clean up. Small posterior capsule noticed.
OVD pushed and vitrectomy done.
Sulcus 3 pieces IOL put.
Continue vitrectomy. Wound cleaned of all vitreous.
Main incision sutured 10-0 Nylon.
At end of procedure:
Eye soft.
3 pieces IOL in sulcus.
A/C well formed.
Intact wound.
A 4 mg subconjunctival dexamethasone given.