Wiki CPT 37221 and modifier 50?

Lisa Bledsoe

True Blue
Greeley, Colorado
Best answers
Forgive to this area :confused:
"bilateral common iliac artery stents"
I am using 37221 for the revascularization...the code states "unilateral" but he's doing 2 stents - one on each side of the bifurcation...can I use mod -50?
Thanks - I need all the help I can get here...
this is strainght from Z-Helath:

23. If interventions are performed in the other leg at the same setting, use the same code set, but add modifier -59 to the "other leg" codes (e.g., for bilateral common iliac stent placement, use codes 37221, 37221-59; for right common iliac stent and left common iliac angioplasty, use codes 37221, 37220-59). (Be sure to check NCCI edits to determine which code requires a -59 modifier. These edits were not available at the time of printing for this book.)
So, paying closer attention to CPT it states "for bifurcation lesions distal to the common iliac origins which require therapy of 2 distinct branches of the iliac or tibial/peroneal vascular territories, a primary code and an add-on code would be used to describe the intervention". I take that to mean I should code 37221 and 37223.