Wiki "CPT 29826 cannot be coded with 23440. 29826 is an add-on code and can only be combined with the codes listed as parent codes."


Raleigh, NC
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"CPT 29826 cannot be coded with 23440. 29826 is an add-on code and can only be combined with the codes listed as parent codes." Can anyone tell me where I can find the information that supports this statement about 29826 cannot be coded with 23440?
Just under the code description for 29826 in the CPT manual it states 'Use 29826 in conjunction with 29806-29825, 29827, 29828'. Those are the only primary codes that can be used with this add-on code.

Yep, exactly what iowagirl77 said - that's directly from the CPT book.

CPT 29826 is an add-on procedure, and there's a Code First note that it must be billed with primary code 29806-29825, 29827-29828. My CPT book isn't with me today, but here's a screenshot from EncoderPro:

Screenshot 2024-07-23 134630.png