Wiki CPT 17311 with 11730


Local Chapter Officer
Windsor, ME
Best answers
Hello, I am new to Mohs surgery. My provider is charging CPT 17311 w/ (CPT 11730 with out supporting documentation). If there were supporting documentation for the nail procedure, would this fall under the Mohs CPT code? Or, charge them separately? I am thinking charge them separately?? I think. Are there any websites, where there is great insight on Mohs surgery?
Thank you in advance. Tammy
I don't understand: Is the Mohs being done on the same finger??? Otherwise there's no reason they can't be billed at the same time.

What do you mean "without any supporting documentation"?

(Just note that you cannot bill 11730 for avulsing part of the nail in order to biopsy the nail bed, as this is included in the nail bed biopsy.)