Wiki CPSP (comprehensive perinatal services program)


Ventura, California
Best answers
Is CPSP covered by commercial insurance or are these services only covered by Medi-Cal?

If they are covered by commercial insurance, what are the billing codes and requirements?
Are your provider credentialed in this program with the payers? Check with commercial payers and get mom's treatments pre approved but it should be covered . In addition to standard obstetric services, women receive comprehensive nutrition services, psychosocial support, health education, and case management from conception through 60 days postpartum.
Here some tips in coding and dx and billing...
OB/GYN problems look at dx N94 and N95
EDD date of birth delivery and LMP need on claims for OB/GYN problems
Antepartum care CPT 59425-59426
Annual pap code Z01.419 dx block and CPT preventive 93981 new or est pt
Pregnancy CPT birth codes CPT 59409-59620
Routine care CPT 59400 59510 59610 59618
Normal delivery dx 080 and Z37.0 report together
Don t forget consult CPT codes for OB and lactation care if required
Use dx Z33 if find out pt is pregnant as incidental dx code
Psychosocial CPT Evl mgnt or beh health codes support dx F53.0 Postpartum Depression, F32 Depression, G47 Sleep DO
Well hope this data is helpful
Lady T
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