Wiki CPPM vs CPC ? Advise Needed

I took the CPC and CPB first and am now working toward my CPPM. I have always felt that without a solid understanding of coding you can't bill effectively. And without a solid understanding of billing, you can't manage your revenue cyle and in turn the practice effectively. It has been a three year journey but I have learned so much and feel it was time well spent.
Thank you very much for your response Cheryl. I have been working in Medical Billing and Coding for about 8 Years now. I do have my Billing and Coding Certificate However, I have not taken the CPC. This is the reason for my question if it would be necessary to actually be a CPC before thinking about taking the CPPM path? Thank you for your honest personal experience advise.
Cppm query

Dear concerned,

Seeking your advice on taking CPPM. Apart from the manual provided by AAPC, do you suggest any reference manuals, website or links that I could use to as reference material and preparation material. I am due to write my exam in the coming weeks. Any feedback on this would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
Albin John Abraham

I took the CPC and CPB first and am now working toward my CPPM. I have always felt that without a solid understanding of coding you can't bill effectively. And without a solid understanding of billing, you can't manage your revenue cyle and in turn the practice effectively. It has been a three year journey but I have learned so much and feel it was time well spent.
The CPC certification is certainly more recognized in the healthcare community as the CPPM is rather new. I think if you want a more hands on knowledge of documentation and coding as your career progresses, I would recommend the CPC be part of your education journey. If you feel a general documentation and coding knowledge is sufficient for you as a practice manager, then go right to the CPPM.