Wiki CPMA exam - have any suggestions


Emmaus, PA
Best answers
Does anyone have any suggestions for what exactly to study for this exam? There is no prep book, that I can see....wish that there was. I have experience auditing, but only in a physician office setting, and I'm afraid that is not enough. Does anyone know of any classes other then the one listed on the AAPC site?
Does anyone have any suggestions for what exactly to study for this exam? There is no prep book, that I can see....wish that there was. I have experience auditing, but only in a physician office setting, and I'm afraid that is not enough. Does anyone know of any classes other then the one listed on the AAPC site?

NAMAS have a study guide..... there is also Deb Grider's book 'Medical Record Auditor' which has a bit more detail. I didn't bother with the overpriced bootcamps, I just used these two books.
NAMAS CPMA study guide

Just checked the price of this on their website....$179.... yikes. I guess Amazon would have it cheaper. I definitely would not pay that amount.
I took the two day boot camp that NAMAS offered and felt that it was well worth the money. I guess it depends on your style of learning. I do better in a class room setting than I do on my own. I like the fact that I can ask questions on areas that I am having trouble understanding on my own.
I used Deb's book, the NAMAS study guide and the NAMAS bootcamp to pass the exam. You are correct that auditing e/m and minor office procedures is not enough knowledge to pass this exam. It's every bit as difficult as the CPC exam but in a much much different way.
Best of luck to you.