Wiki Cpedc - So, how hard is it to pass


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So, how hard is it to pass the CPEDC and what is the best reference?
The hardest thing for me in passing the test is that there were alot of questions regarding things i never code for. We don't see any patients in hospital other than healthy newborns. I was not prepared for questions re: Sick neonates, circ's, intensive care ect...,.
We tested on a 90 degree day in early april so the section of the hospital we tested in, did not have ac on and the room was completely shut off.
I couldn't find the restroom during break. I'm still amazed i passed. Lburke
Taking the CPEDC

I am trying to take the CPEDC in the next couple of months and I am wondering if you bought the aapc practice exam and if it was helpful and if it was similar to the exam. Also were there a lot of questions about the difference between the 95 and 97 e/m guidelines? Any helpful hints or advice would be really helpful.

Thank you
the practice exam was very helpful but I still wasn't prepared for all the hospital questions. I don't remember that much about guideline questions but the office questions I felt I did well on. unfortunately, you don't get to go back and review afterwards what you got wrong or right. I will check the practice book and see if I can remember anything else that may help. lburke