Wiki Cpco


Ballina, Mayo County
Best answers
Come on. Can nobody provide any indication as to whether their CPCO certification has helped their career, or whether prospective employers in the compliance field have intimated that another compliance certification would be better?
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I was wondering the same thing-- And if anyone out there has taken and passed this Exam? Lisa
I can't say for sure that it has helped, but I did land a gig in compliance, so it didn't hurt I guess. Usually I have to explain what CPCO stands for. :rolleyes:

The test is about what you'd expect from AAPC. Since there's no book, you can take printouts from the web, the study guide suggests several, and imo print anything you can find on CMS or OIG's site, then bookmark and highlight the heck out of it all.
I've purchased the AAPC CPCO study guide, but have not taken the examination.
My holdup is not the price for the examination, but whether or not I would eventually want to work in the company's Compliance Department. I am grateful for the comments you posted and congratulate you on your "gig", may you enjoy success in the compliance arena.
I am currently preparing for the CHC exam through HCCA. ( my current employer prefers certification through HCCA instead). I am gathering Compliance information from various sources. So far, I have purchased and received the CPCO study guide from AAPC. I will also purchase several other Compliance books. Essentials of Healthcare Compliance, Compliance 101, Monitoring & Auditing Practices for Effective Compliance.
I would have taken the CPCO Exam but because of my employers preference, I am taking the CHC exam instead. Good luck to you!
I am currently preparing for the CHC exam through HCCA. ( my current employer prefers certification through HCCA instead). I am gathering Compliance information from various sources. So far, I have purchased and received the CPCO study guide from AAPC. I will also purchase several other Compliance books. Essentials of Healthcare Compliance, Compliance 101, Monitoring & Auditing Practices for Effective Compliance.
I would have taken the CPCO Exam but because of my employers preference, I am taking the CHC exam instead. Good luck to you!

I completely understand where you're coming from. I spoke to someone who is very highly regarded in the auditing and compliance field. Her recommendation was to sit for the CHC. My problem is the eligibility requirements. I cannot meet them. That is why I looked at the CPCO which has none. It's a kind of cop-out but that is why I posted the question as to whether the CPCO is really a recognized certification.
There are other compliance certifications which I have no interest in. "You have to take our $2000 course before we will allow you to take our certification". I don't think so.
Good luck. I will check out the study resources you suggest.
By the way, of the resources you listed, is there any one of them you recommend more than the others? That's a lot of study material to get confused by!
Unfortunately no. I know someone who has taken the exam several times with no luck. She states it's no one source to study from since it's so much information. Hopefully all the information I've pooled together will help me be successful.

I agree with you when you said that the CHC requires certain eligibility requirements before taking the exam. Fortunately, my company pays the cost of those requirements and the exam itself. (but not the study materials). Check with your employer. Maybe they would be willing to help with the cost because it can be quite expensive. Good Luck! Don't get discouraged!
Unfortunately no. I know someone who has taken the exam several times with no luck. She states it's no one source to study from since it's so much information. Hopefully all the information I've pooled together will help me be successful.

I agree with you when you said that the CHC requires certain eligibility requirements before taking the exam. Fortunately, my company pays the cost of those requirements and the exam itself. (but not the study materials). Check with your employer. Maybe they would be willing to help with the cost because it can be quite expensive. Good Luck! Don't get discouraged!

I'm not discouraged......... my company wouldn't pay for me to attend a $150 documentation improvement course so there's absolutely no chance of them paying for anything not in single or double digits cost-wise.