Wiki Cpc vs. Cpc-h


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I have two more classes before finishing my class on coding and billing. I will have a couple of months before I take the exam.
I would like to work in a hospital; however, I do not want to make the exam to be any harder than it has to be. What I am wondering is if the exam for CPC and CPC-H are that different, and should I stick with CPC since I have never worked in coding and billing before?
Yes, the CPC-H is that much more different and much harder. DO NOT put the cart before the horse. You need to do stepping stones especially coming out of school. I am an instructor for Billing and Coding so trust me when I say this. The CPC-H is more inpatient and ambulatory surgery and takes more real wold knowledge to manage. Take the stepping stones and you will find your path to billing and coding a bit more easier to manage.