Wiki CPC Study Group/Friend in Austin TX or surrounding areas

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I am scheduled to retake the CPC exam on 11/9/13. If anyone else is taking the test on this date or sometime close to that, even if its not in Austin, I would love to be pen-pals/meet up/email tips and discoveries as we go through the preparation for the exam. I am trying to do everything I can to pass this time around and I think it always helps to have a study partner.

If anyone is interested and or available just email me at


CPC exam

Keep pushing on friend. It took me five times to get certified. Each time I took the test though I found out where I was "weak" and then focused on learning/re-learning those areas. What I found out was that I only learned a little in school but now I took the time to really try to understand it. If you don't find others to study with, just get yourself focused with the practice exam and your books. What you don't understand, take the time to look it up and also understand anatomy too. It all fits together and then you will see how it works. It takes focus though and discipline so put your mind too it and sit down and do it. You won't have anyone else with you when you take the test. Good luck and God bless. You can do it.