Wiki CPC military spouse in Oklahoma looking for remote opportunity, experience


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I am a newly wed to the military. My husband and I are now reassigned to Oklahoma and I am trying to maintain my CPC certification that I worked very hard to get on my own. I have been certified since 2014 and even passed the ICD-10 assessment proficiency test however I have not had the 3-5 years experience. I have had a little training in a provider based setting for a pain management division. I am trying to find an opportunity that I can utilize my training and apply it into a career that would hopefully lead to working remotely since we relocate every 3 years. Does anyone know of any companies that currently hire certified CPCs without the years of experience? I would love to have an opportunity for on site training regardless of the travel needed. I just feel that I need to do this for myself but am not sure of the direction to look. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Try a facebook group called Jobs for American Medical Coders, there are recruiters coming in all the time posting remote jobs as well as members posting info on remote job is a great group of people that help each other out with everything coding.
Appreciate it!


Thanks for the suggestion. I will have to look into it. I really want to gain experience and utilize my certification. Unfortunately in this area there are not a lot of places hiring for someone without 3-5 years experience. I appreciate any advice. I figured this would be the best place to get recommendations!
