Wiki CPC looking for remote

Hi Fran-

I have been coding remotely for McKesson for almost a year now and I love it. It took a while to get hired-I had 3 interviews with various people and a coding test before an offer was even made. Once hired, you have to take and pass an internal coding test before you are actually put into production (but you are getting paid this whole time). I know they are needing E/M coders-BUT, you must be able to code from the office notes/report and assign the correct codes based on the 95 or 97 guidelines. Our manager said a lot of coders that are applying only have experience doing charge entry off of a superbill or just entering the codes the doctor circles on the sheet. But I really like my job-great benefits, flexibility with my schedule if needed, and continuing coding education. I actually feel I've become a better coder since working here. The Coding Network LLC contracts with McKesson, but I think you would be a contract coder if you go through them, so no benefits-I applied with them several times but never heard back. KForce is another one-I got a call from them a week or so ago but they needed an anesthesia coder at that time. Bottom line: don't give up! I applied and applied and applied for over a year before I landed a remote job.